If your organisation has purchased a 5-year license for online access to our 9 E-books, then you are one step away from viewing them.

First-time access:

  1. On the right, you see a login form.
    • You need a username and a password.
    • To get a username and password, click on 'Create an account'.
    • The 'create account' menu will ask for an email address.
    • This must be an institutional email address; e.g. john.doe@harvard.edu or john.doe@st-andrews.ac.uk.
    • Click on the 'Register' button.
    • You will immediately get an email to confirm your account. Check your spam folder if this email does not arrive within 1 minute!
  2. When your institute purchased the 5-year license, we gave them a code.
    • Ask your librarian (or whoever purchased the license) for this code.
    • Email this code to: highstat@highstat.com.
  3. We will enable your access to the E-books within 24 hours.

Normal access:

  1. Type your username and password.
  2. Click on the 'Log in' button.
  3. You can now proceed to the link at the bottom of this page.


Access E-books

Once you have logged in, you can click on this link to view all E-books.


Happy reading.