Welcome (Fàilte)
Highland Statistics Ltd was founded more than 25 years ago by Dr. Alain F. Zuur (statistician). The company is based in Scotland and provides statistical courses and consultancy.
Now available: The World of Zero-Inflated Models. Volume 3: Using GLLVM.
Statistics courses
An interdisciplinary team consisting of Dr. Alain F. Zuur (statistician) and Dr. Elena N. Ieno (biologist) offers 20 to 25 statistical online and onsite courses per year. Courses are non-technical and cover a wide range of statistical techniques. See this pdf file for a detailed description.
Help us plan! Which online live statistics course would you be most interested in attending and when? You can vote for multiple courses, but you can only vote once. Possible dates: 23-27 June, 6-10 October, 3-7 November or 8-12 December 2025.
Upcoming live courses:
- Online: Introduction to GAMM and GLMM with R - With GAM applications to spatial, and spatial-temporal data. 10-14 February 2025. Course flyer.
- Hybrid (onsite and online) course: Multivariate Analysis - Integrating Classical Techniques with multivariate GLMM. Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Málaga, Spain. 3-7 March 2025. Course flyer.
- Hybrid (onsite and online) course: Introduction to GLLVM. With spatial or temporal dependency. 17-21 March 2025. School of Agriculture University of Lisbon, Portugal. Course flyer.
- Online: Introduction to GLM with spatial, and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA. 5-9 May 2025. Teaching times: 14.00-20.00 BST; 09.00-15.00 EDT. Course flyer.
- Hybrid (onsite and online): Introduction GLMs with spatial correlation and GLMM. A Bayesian’s perspective using R-INLA. 12-16 May 2025. Grenoble, France. Course flyer.
- Online access for external participants: An introduction to the World of GLMM. 19-23 May 2025. IMR, Bergen, Norway. Course flyer.
- Hybrid (onsite and online): Data Exploration, Regression, GLM & GAM with an introduction to R. 16-20 June 2025. Marine Research Institute, Klaipeda University, Lithuania. Course flyer.
- Hybrid (onsite and online): Introduction to GLLVM. With spatial and temporal dependency. 22 -26 September 2025. IPMA, Lisbon, Portugal. Course flyer.
- Hybrid (onsite and online): Introduction to GLM and GAM with spatial, temporal, and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA. Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos Islands. January 2026. Flyer in preparation.
We also provide 9 different self-study courses with on-demand videos.
Our course material is based on a series of 14 statistical textbooks. Three books were published by Springer. One book has been translated into Chinese and Japanese.
We offer a "View-only" package for university and institutional libraries. Get access to all our books for all your employees.
Scientific papers
We have contributed to a large number of scientific papers, which has resulted in a long list of co-authored papers. In particular, we are first-authors of one of the most cited and downloaded papers in ecology: A protocol for data exploration to avoid common statistical problems. Zuur et al. (2010). This paper is labeled as a 'Hot Paper' in the field of Environment/Ecology by Science Watch at Thomson Reuters.
Highland Statistics provides statistical consultancy in various forms, e.g. help with paper submission or referee comments, guidance with statistical analyses, or analysis of data. Our input can be anything from a few hours to large projects of 50+ days. Our customers include the United Nations, NIOZ, Wageningen University, Institute of Marine Research, DFO, JNCC, Rijkswaterstaat, DEWLP, among many others.
It seems like nobody comes to us for the easy stuff! Half of our consultancy work dives into territories where off-the-shelf methods just don’t cut it, often turning our projects into full-blown statistical research. And more often than not, these brain teasers end up as scientific papers!